The outcome of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Current issues of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Science”

Fri, Apr 14, 2023, 12:04 PM

On April 7, 2023, the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 5th anniversary of Astana International University “Current issues of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Science” was held. The conference began with a welcoming speech by the President of Astana International University S.A. Irsaliyev.

Reports of foreign and Kazakh scientists were heard at the plenary session of the conference: Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Social Work of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno V.P.  Tarantey (Belarus); Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Defectology of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University E.V. Dergacheva (Russia); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of the the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine I.I. Osadchenko (Ukraine); Associate Professor of the University of Latvia Reinis Lazda (Latvia), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the University of International Business E.V. Musikhina (Kazakhstan, Almaty); Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities and Language disciplines of Turan - Astana University K.M. Nagymzhanova (Kazakhstan, Astana).

Sectional reports were in the following areas: psychological problems of the modern personality: Current issues in age, ethnic and medical psychology (section 1); Current state and development trends in social psychology: current issues of family and organizational psychology, psychology of religion (section 2); Digitalization and transformation of technologies for psychological research and education (section 3); Pedagogy and psychology: from theory to practice (section 4). 

11 reports were heard at section 1 “Psychological problems of the modern personality: current issues of developmental, ethnic and medical psychology” (moderators - Zh.K. Bekova and Zh.S. Mailybaeva). The report was awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree – A. Agdamova, 2nd degree – B. Koshakaeva and M. Kurbanali, and 3rd degree – D. Aitimova, Zh. Dzhumabaeva, Sh. Ospanov, A. Palaguta.

8 reports were heard at section 2 “Current state and development trends in social psychology: current issues of family and organizational psychology, psychology of religion” (moderators - N.Zh. Zhumatova and G.T. Saparova). The reports that aroused the greatest interest were awarded with diplomas: 1st degree - A.T. Abeldinova, 2nd degree - M. Ratushnyak, 3rd degree - D. Talgatkyzy.

8 reports were heard at section 3 “Digitalization and transformation of technologies for psychological research and education” (moderators - G.K. Nigmetzhanova and B.E. Sabyrbay). The following participants were awarded diplomas of the1st degree - M. Omar, N. Temirshotova, 2nd degree - R. Khyzyrkhan, B. Amanzhol, 3rd degree - M. Bolat, N. Zhylkybek, A. Ayagan, A. Sarbasova, A. Kalizhanova.

24 reports were heard at section 4 “Pedagogy and psychology: from theory to practice” (moderators - A.B. Izdeleuova and N.M. Nurgazieva). Many reports have practical application and were awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree - B. Baken, 2nd degree - A. Mordovets, A. Dauletkhan, Zh. Eleubekova, A. Menandarova, 3rd degree - D. Zhusupova, D. Kozhin, M. Tuzelbaeva and M Temirkhan, A. Aubakirova, D. Bitimgalieva, B. Shupova.

10 reports were heard at section 4 “Pedagogy and psychology: from theory to practice” (in English) (moderators - R.S. Khalmuratov and A.B. Kazizov). The following participants were awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree - A. Kasymova, 2nd degree - A. Akanova, 3rd degree - A. Batrachina. 

The following issues were considered in the reports heard at the sectional meetings: educational motivation of students; emotional and professional burnout; anxiety and personality frustration; the formation of self-esteem of adolescents; issues of social bullying and cyberbullying; problems of modern personality; digitalization and transformation of psychological research technologies, etc. 

We express our deep gratitude to the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference for their interest and participation in our conference!